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420 Doge Day Specialby Doctor Tampa

Posted on Tue, 20 April 2021

Happy #DogeDay to all of my Doctors, Nurses, & patients!

In honor of 4/20 and DogeCoin Day, I’m offering 25% off ANY new membership or extension to GirlsGoneGyno or CaptiveClinic paid for with #DogeCoin ONLY on #DogeDay! 

Update On Extra Weekly Update:

By now you may know once membership hits 300 members there will be 1 additional update per week per website. But Doctor Tampa knows you hate waiting as much as he does. So there will be an additional new release on both sites every other week once membership hits 250! And then every week once it hits 300!

So a BIG THANK YOU to all who have stayed members and the 30+ who have joined/rejoined after the March Newsletter. We are less than 10 members away from 250! So if 10 of the 2,000+ receive this join this week there will be 2 extra updates per month!!!

I can’t wait til there's 700 members and I can bring you new movies DAILY! My production budget is as big as my membership numbers!

Watch For Changing Updates:

As I continue to shoot new models you will notice the “New Release Schedule” continue to change. This is because I want to give you the maximum number of models. Some were confused by the sudden disappearance of Vasha’s videos. Even though a segment had been released, it was rescheduled and pushed back as I have shot some brand new models who wanted their videos out ASAP. So enjoy Stacy, Jasmine, & Raya’s movies on GirlsGoneGyno!

Equipment Update:

On top of the new patient monitor I recently purchased, I just purchased about $900 in new camera equipment! Why did I do that? You will notice in the coming months that I am taking a step back behind the camera on some films. In doing so I have noticed the camera could have more stability as I hold it. So I have invested in professional equipment to stabilize the camera so I can make the best movies possible! This includes a new wide angle lens that is 4k compatible.

New Website Format:

I’m sure some people think this isn’t happening, but it is! My developer got sidetracked on another project, but I finally got to test drive the new website format and gave the developer feedback. I like it, but it has room for improvement. Hopefully it will be done by the end of 2021!

Customs Update:

Stacy Shepard has moved to Florida and is available for custom films anytime!

Thank you all for your continuing support of my clinical endeavours!

-Doctor Tampa
